भारत में अंग्रेजी राज का संक्षिप्त बही-खाता || THE BALANCE SHEET OF BRITISH RULE IN INDIA

THE BALANCE SHEET OF BRITISH RULE IN INDIA Some main items: 1) Englishmen drain from India and take to England every year 50 crores of rupees ($167 million); consequently the Hindus have become so poor that the daily average income per capita is only 5 paisa (2.5 cents) 2) The land tax is more than 65 percent of the net produce. 3) The expenditure for 240 million (24 crore population) person on Education: 7¾ crores of rupees ($25,000,000) Sanitation: 2 crore of rupees ($6,000,000) But on army: 29 ½ crore of rupees ($97,000,000) 4) Under British rule, the famines are ever on the increase, and in the last ten years 20 million (2 crore) men, women and children have died of starv...